
Thursday, October 13, 2011

t'me travellin

       Most of my memories from where I was born occurred after I returned when I was sixteen. I do remember a few events of note, including my first runaway from home adventure. My father who is originally was from Washington state had a mobile home on Mockingbird lane in Black Mountain and until just before my baby brother was born, that is where we lived.
 When I was five, I took off early one morning while my parents were still sound asleep. The reason escapes me, even today but I managed to make it almost 5 miles away. A friend of my moms saw me and recognized me and she called my folks. I cannot recall my adventure, maybe because it is overshadowed by the belt beating I received from my dad.
 Some other things that stick in my brain are that I won a costume contest dressed as a zombie in kindergarten  where I also stood up to my first bully. More memories will come to me I am sure, but this is a start.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Creative Writing: Exercise #1

Write the first 250 words of a short story, but write them in ONE SENTENCE. This exercise is intended to increase your powers in sentence writing.

When I first read of Little Five Points of all sources it was a copy of Details magazine which contained various reviews on nightlife in Atlanta I could have never heard of a place so different nor w

ould I have believed it could even exist in the conservative south where I had spent all of my childhood then late one night on one of the smaller networks I was lucky enough to catch Talk at Night with Brian Wilson a live week-night television talk program that always covered a strange assortment subject matter with guests that ranged from stand up comedians and local Georgia bands to some rather radical thinkers I stayed up late every night to watch the show at midnight then on one episode two or three of the guests were from Little Five Points at the moment I cannot remember the subject that they were on the show for but whatever it was I had been exposed to more knowledge of this amazing little neighborhood then while working a third shift shipping and receiving job at the age of seventeen a fellow co-worker and comic book collector invited me on a trip to Atlanta as we passed a colorful block of shops he pointed out the name of the place and finally I had a location to pilgrimage the following summer I scammed a ride to check the place out once there my ride got bored and returned home on a wild gamble I decided to stay there

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

progressin around the corner

 The print for zine is finished,  am changing format a bit. Each copy will Include an individual signed and numbered print. I need to still scan Shorts artwork tonight. But the important thing is that I have carved the plate for the insert. Other than that its been the usual sprinkles of
stressful distractions, including problems trouble getting paid for work completed by dismissive type ego freaks and the late fees and lack of services until said payment mentioned earlier.

  I really am happy Gigi will have a few days off from the bar. It gets too silent in the house nowadays and even though it helps me get things
done, the day is not as full as it could be. On a happy side note I love it when Tango hears a siren and sings. Also James Freeman fixed the bike,

now it is way easier to ride.